Category Topics

Tools discussion / DiscusiĆ³n de herramientas

A place to discuss interesting and useful earth defender tools.

Help offers / Ofertas de ayuda

If you would like to offer your help in some way (either for the Earth Defenders Toolkit or for earth defender communities more generally), this is a place for you to describe what you have to offer, what you can commit to, and how to get in touch with you.

Community stories / Historias de comunidades

Sharing stories about the efforts of earth defender communities across the globe.

Knowledge sharing / Compartiendo conocimiento

A place to share any knowledge or information that can be helpful for earth defender communities.

Help requests / Solicitudes de ayuda

For earth defenders or allies to submit help requests for anything they are working on, whether its figuring out how to get started, assistance with a tool, or just to get advise.

Toolkit feedback / RetroalimentaciĆ³n

Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.